Drops of 80's
Mr. Hiccup

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Guido Manuli, Italtoons Corporation, 1983, 39 episodes.

I'm very happy I found cels of this series. I used to watch it all the time on the Swiss television when I was little. The 3' episodes (so less than 2 hours total!) showed the urban adventures of a shy man having hiccup since he was born. Such a simple concept for such a hilarious series!
The series is the result of two genius of Italian animation: Guido Manuli and Bruno Bozzetto!!

 Jumping (1)

 Jumping (2)

 With a bag (1)

 With a bag (2)


 Having a.. a.. a..

 In the city (1)

 In the city (2)

 In the city (3)
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Curator: catone82
Gallery Created: 6/15/2008
Hits: 32451

Presentation 8.34/10   Collection 8.64/10   Overall 8.61/10   Votes 19 votes
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