Hi everybody!

I was born in 1982 in the Italian speaking part of Switzerland. I had the luck to grow up with anime series cause we could watch Italian networks which, as you know, have been with French ones the biggest western anime importers. Memories of those series are so important to me cause they were with me during my whole childhood. I still have memories of afternoons trying to fix damn' antennas to get a better image or crying when networks suddenly stopped a series I loved.
Growing up I started to collect vintage Japanese toys from those series (die-cast, dolls and vinyl toys by Popy/Bandai, Takatoku and more) and I quickly fell on the discover of cels. I just thought it was amazing to have the chance to own drownings which were used to make the series; not copies of them but precisely the ones millions of kids watched every day, the ones I watched when I was little. I immediately felt the magic of that.
I collect cels belonging to any series I liked when I was little. I honestly don't mind if some of them are not animation masterpieces; they have such an important memory value, and that's the only thing that cares to me.
It's a very tiny collection but it makes me feel better every time I look at it or when a friend of mine sees it and says something like "Gosh! I loved that series!" or "I perfectly remember that episode!". If you guys will feel even a little bit like that too looking at my cels, well, it means I haven't created that page for anything. ^_^
Any commentary and advice is always welcome!

PS: of course some of the series there come from the 70's (or earlier) but to me they all belong to the 80's context, a decade where those colorful images coming from fat convex TVs helped us to grow up happier. That's why I chose this title.

News & Updates

11/12/2018Most of the collection is now for sale! All items available for sale have the price in their names. Prices are in euros. Discounts for multiple purchases. Info: catone82@ymail.com
6/15/2008Drops of 80's now open.

Gallery Contents
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Title Last Updated
Aishite Night (Kiss me Licia) (4) 7/15/2017
Alps no Shoujo Heidi (Heidi) (15) 4/12/2017
Attacker You! (Mila e Shiro) (1) 12/22/2012
Bruno Bozzetto Show (1) 1/7/2015
Captain Tsubasa (Holly e Benji) (4) 9/28/2010
Cat's Eye (Occhi di gatto) (2) 5/6/2009
Dorimogu Daa!! ([...] Talpilandia) (1) 8/25/2012
Haha wo Tazunete Sanzenri (Marco) (1) 10/3/2011
Hokuto no Ken (Ken il guerriero) (1) 10/18/2009
Jungle Taitei (Kimba il leone bianco) (2) 7/10/2016
Kotetsu Jeeg (Iron Jeeg / Jeeg robot d'acciaio) (2) 10/2/2009
La Linea (1) 9/22/2015
La Seine no Hoshi (Il tulipano nero) (5) 4/12/2017
Lilliput Put (3) 6/14/2011
Mahou no Star Magical Emi (Magica Magica Emi) (1) 9/28/2010
Mahou no Tenshi Creamy Mami (L'incantevole Creamy) (1) 9/28/2010
Meitantei Holmes (Il fiuto di Sherlock Holmes) (4) 5/7/2018
Mitsubachi Maya no Boken (L'ape Maia) (2) 6/8/2013
Mr. Hiccup (25) 10/18/2009
Muteki Kojin Daitarn 3 (Daitarn 3) (1) 5/2/2016
Ochamegami Monogatari Kolokolo Polon (Pollon) (9) 4/12/2017
Ohayo! Spank (Hello! Spank) (43) 1/4/2018
Rittai Anime ie Naki ko Remi (Remì, le sue avventure) (11) 9/29/2018
Saint Seiya (I cavalieri dello zodiaco) (1) 1/10/2009
Tiger Mask (L'uomo tigre) (5) 4/12/2017
Tongari Boshi no Memoru (Memole dolce Memole) (7) 6/29/2014
Versailles no Bara (Lady Oscar) (1) 10/18/2009
Wakusei Robo Danguard Ace (Danguard) (1) 6/15/2008
Wan-Wan Sanjushi (Dogtanian / D'Artacan) (12) 6/14/2011
Yatterman (Yattaman) (2) 6/8/2013

Curator: catone82
Gallery Created: 6/15/2008
Hits: 32451

Presentation 8.34/10   Collection 8.64/10   Overall 8.61/10   Votes 19 votes
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